
The appointment lines are open from 08:00am Monday to Friday


 Please be aware the appointments are limited and are done on a first come first served basis.

This is under constant review and  the situation may change in the future.


Appointments can be made by ring the surgery or using the link via patient access plus using the PATCHES application

The surgery operates an appointments system for both Doctors and Nurses these can be made personally or by telephone. 

When all the appointments for that morning have been booked you will be asked to ring again the following morning.

If you are unable to keep your appointment please inform the reception staff as soon as possible so that the appointment can be offered to another patient.

Sick children will be seen as soon as possible if brought to the surgery (this may be quicker than a home visit). If you are in any doubt about bringing your child to surgery please telephone and speak to a doctor or nurse for advice.

 There are a limited amount of pre bookable slots available, also there is the option of using the PATCHS system on this website. 


Well Persons Appointments

Appointments can be made to see our Practice Nurse who offers routine advice regarding health issues including breast examination and cervical smear tests.


Home visits

If all routine appointments are taken and you need to see a Doctor for an urgent medical problem please ask the reception staff and they will arrange for you to be seen the same day.

If you are unable to keep your appointment please inform the reception staff as soon as possible so that the appointment can be offered to another patient.

Sick children will be seen as soon as possible if brought to the surgery (this may be quicker than a home visit). If you are in any doubt about bringing your child to surgery please telephone and speak to a doctor or nurse for advice.


Out of Hours

When the surgery is closed and you have an urgent medical problem that cannot wait, please telephone 0151 228 0672. You will be given the telephone number to contact for the Out of Hours Service.


Suggestions box

There is a suggestions box located in the reception. All suggestions or feedback are to be posted in the box, and is much appreciated